Her Travel Dog

Slow travel with my Dog and a Backpack

Prague public transport with your dog

Prague is a very dog-friendly city: Prague is the capital of a country that has more than 41% of households wo mindestens ein Hund drin lebt. Czech people love dogs! Check out my other articles explaining why you should do a trip to Prague with your dog! Prague is a diverse city with different neighbourhoods, […]

Exchanging EUR in CZK (Trick)

I have found a trick that allows you to exchange your Euros (EUR) for Czech crowns (CZK) without paying any fees. But you have to be in the Czech Republic to do this. Here it goes: There are chains of shops in the Czech Republic that originally come from Germany or Austria. There you can […]

14 Tschechische Vokabeln für Hundebesitzer*innen

Wenn man in der Öffentlichkeit mit einem Hund unterwegs ist, gibt es ein paar Sätze, die man oft zu Mitmenschen oder anderen Hundebesitzerinnen sagt. Hier sind einige dieser Worte für deinen Tschechisch Trip! Social basics Hallo/Guten Tag – Ahoi / Dobry den! Tschüss/Auf wiedersehen – Ahoi / Na shledanou! Danke – Děkuji Entschuldigung – Promiňte […]